A Startup’s primer for Corporate Venture Capital

Corporates are actively investing in the Indian startup story. In 2022 alone, despite the slowdown, corporates invested ~$3.4B across 350+ deals and are actively setting …

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Shivani Kulkarni, Investments@Prime

D2C vs. Tech founders - who does what better?

Most people (who are not consumer brand founders or marketers) would not notice a subtle but extremely important detail in Papa Johns Pizza’s latest rebranding …

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Mahalakshmi Reddy

Howzaat! Stumped by HitWicket!

From the days of the iconic ‘Pong’ by Atari in 1973, video games have come a long way. Arcade games gave way to PC and …

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Shripati Acharya

Investing in Co-Lending Startup, KnightFintech

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Back in 2019, I met an interesting company called Knight FinTech (I love to call them as KniFi ) with two stellar and complementary founders, …

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Sanjay Swamy

Why we invested in EV Startup Bolt (RevOS)

TLDR: When the Heart and Brain are aligned


The heart and the brain are two essential organs that often pull us in orthogonal directions. One …

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Sanjay Swamy

Backing CollPoll as it Digitises Education Institutes across India

‘Software is eating the world’ - if you are in the tech industry you must have heard this famous quote by a16z co-founder and general …

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Gaurav Ranjan

If you believe you are building the next big thing, let’s make it happen.