Generative AI & the Quest for SaaS differentiation
“The battle between every startup and the incumbent comes down to whether the startup gets distribution before the incumbent gets innovation”

- Alex Rampell, General …

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Shripati Acharya

Peanuts or Millions

#StartupEmployees #SalaryVsEquity

Join a Startup, Build a Decacorn, Make Peanuts or Millions?

I was delighted to hear from the founders of one of our founders …

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Sanjay Swamy

When Hi Growth SaaS hits a Wall

There is an good twitter thread that prompted this blog post.

We are all familiar with the S curve life cycle of successful products. In …

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Shripati Acharya

Little Things, Big Difference!

As entrepreneurs, we are always balancing the dual responsibility of living in the present and survival, while also planning the future 3-5 years out. Your …

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Sanjay Swamy

3 Pillars of Product Success you Cannot Ignore

Every day, we witness the shifting fortunes of startups: one breaking free from obscurity to capture the imagination of millions, another struggling to make headway …

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Shripati Acharya

Down rounds happen, Don't hate 'em

You are the CEO/co-founder of a hot SaaS company, and have just got a term sheet at a $100M valuation. You are over the moon; …

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Shripati Acharya

If you believe you are building the next big thing, let’s make it happen.